Conférence Juin 2024

Le CDE en partenariat avec le cabinet Orrick (Paris) organise le 3 juillet une conférence portant sur

Generative AI: Competition law and eu regulatory challanges


Conférence au Cabinet Orrick - 61 rue des Belles Feuilles 76115 Paris



Inscription obligatoire  RSVP

The Centre de Droit Economique (Aix-Marseille University) and Orrick are organizing a conference on the competitive and regulatory challenges in the Generative AI sector. The meteoric growth of this industry in Europe is raising both hopes and concerns for the European market. What role should regulators play in this context? The competition authorities are taking initial positions (the Autorité de la Concurrence will issue its opinion on the subject a few days before the conference), and the European Union has just adopted its AI Act. Is this regulation an opportunity for European operators in the sector? 

Two dynamic roundtables, bringing together regulators (Elodie Vandenhende, Autorité de la concurrence; Brice Allibert, European Commission), academics (Stacey Dogan, Boston University; Rafael Amaro, Caen University, David Bosco, Aix-Marseille University), business representatives (Blanche Savary de Beauregard, Mistral AI,Solange, Viegas dos Reis, OVH Cloud, Matthew Garrahan, Financial Times) and Orrick lawyers (Julia ApostleMalik Idri) will debate this topic.  




Keynote Speech

16.00 – 16.30

Gen AI Regulation: a Brussels effect?

·     Stacey Dogan (Professor, Boston University) 


Roundtable 1 - European Competition Agencies on the alert

16.30 – 17.45

Chair / David Bosco (Professor, Aix-Marseille University, Centre de droit économique)

·     Brice Allibert (Head of Unit at the European Commission DG COMP)

·     Malik Idri (Partner, Competition Law, Orrick)

·     Elodie Vandenhende (Deputy head of the digital economy unit, Autorité de la concurrence)


Roundtable 2 - EU Tech Regulation: does it help or hinder, experience on the ground

18.15 – 19.30

Chair / Rafael Amaro (Professor, Caen University)

·     Julia Apostle (Partner, Technology Transactions, Orrick)

·     Matthew Garrahan (Head of Digital Platforms and FT Columnist)

·     Blanche Savary de Beauregard (General Counsel and Secretary of the Board , Mistral AI Paris)

·     Solange Viegas dos Reis (Chief Legal Officer, OVH Cloud Paris)


Closing remarks and reception

19.30 onwards